Monday, May 16, 2005

sorry, red shirts were all that was left Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

I checked out your essay on the ending episodes of Enterprise. I think your observations are right about the shows seeming rushed and not well thought out. I have been wondering something for a few weeks; why did Paxton grow that clone baby anyway? It was never explained, even in the Paramount Podcast on those episodes. Do you have a theory?

In "These are the Voyages" I was really disapointed to see that in eight years, there had been no substantial changes aboard Enterprise besides T'pol's hairstyle. There had been no advance in the Trip/T'Pol relationship. If they had followed through on the tearful final scene in Terra Prime and had a child, that would have been great. A missed opportunity.

I just don't think B&B care about this stuff anymore. It's really a pity, given the enthusiasm of the fan base, and the potential that is still there.

I've been checking out the fan projects and I want to share with you my opinion of each:

Fan Films:

Hidden Frontier: Good concept, brilliant execution. Good acting, great CGI work. My only complaint is the bad matting on the green screen work which leaves an distinct yellow halo around everything. Can't these guys figure out a way to get rid of this?

Starship Exeter: My favorite. Happily recreates the campiness of TOS, and action, Action, ACTION. Captain Garavick and crew are just great. A heartfelt tribute to a classic show. And their next episode looks even better than their first one.

New Voyages: Fun to watch, with all those classic sets and music, but the show suffers on two fronts; storylines are too ambitious and special effests are sub par. I like their Spock though. Their Kirk is okay once you get used to his huge black head of hair, but their McCoy needs to be recast with a stronger actor. Damn it, Jim. I'm not an actor!

Seventh Fleet: I have only previewed these with the sound turn down on my Quicktime® player so I don't know how it sounds, but it looks so dreadful, I can bring myself to reach for the volume control.

Fan Audio: (That's one way around having no budget)

Darker Projects: Outstanding work. Occasionally I detect a non-actor doing a bit part, but otherwise, a first rate effort.

Star trek Pioneers: Pretty good so far.

I am trying my best not to be bummed out about the early cancellation of Enterprise. I'm casting about the web looking for Star Trek wherever I can find it and finding solace in old episodes of TOS.

So, I'm missing Star Trek, and I appreciate your blog, very much.

Len Preston

Captain Future said...

Thanks so much for reading and for your comments about the fan films. That's where the action will be for awhile at least--and I'm looking forward to getting off dial-up so I can see them!

As for your point about the clone baby,that's an excellent question, to which I don't think there is an answer within the story. It goes to show how many loose ends there were. As for theories, I'm not one to speculate on what I wasn't shown. If they knew why, they should have made it clear.

Thanks again. And there will be a lot here in the future on the TOS era.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am really appreciative and amazed that you have heard of Star Trek: Pioneers. I am the General Manager of Pioneer Audio Productions, my group produces it, and I invite you to please keep listening, we're attempting to get better, with the help of various other fan films. Did you happen to catch our 4th episode, which was a crossover with Section 31 Files?

Anyway check out our new site, sorry for the ads, it's an all new fresh look to our site, thank you for mentioning the project, and we hope that you continue to be a listener.

Kevin Cho - Pioneer Audio Productions
Star Trek: Pioneers

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am really appreciative and amazed that you have heard of Star Trek: Pioneers. I am the General Manager of Pioneer Audio Productions, my group produces it, and I invite you to please keep listening, we're attempting to get better, with the help of various other fan films. Did you happen to catch our 4th episode, which was a crossover with Section 31 Files?

Anyway check out our new site, sorry for the ads, it's an all new fresh look to our site, thank you for mentioning the project, and we hope that you continue to be a listener.

Kevin Cho - Pioneer Audio Productions
Star Trek: Pioneers